
Plot-X - Plot Data Exchange Standard :: Plot-X Core :: Site


A location where observations and samples are made.

Generalized Elements


Visibility Name Type Description
public identifier String
public siteName String
public dateCommissioned Date
public dateDecommissioned Date
public locality String
public region IRI
public permanent Boolean
public notes String
public placementMethod none

Strategy followed when placing this particular plot. Useful for example if different sampling strategies have been followed within one project.

public placementNote none

Additional comments or explanations regarding plot placement.

public markers none

Information about markers (like magnetic markers or wooden pegs) that help locating the plot. There should also be a description about where in the plot the markers are found (for example in the corners or in the centre).

public siteDescription none


Name Value
name Site
stereotype null
visibility public
isAbstract false
isFinalSpecialization false
isLeaf false
isActive false


Owned Elements